Yeah one inside joke is something you probably wouldn't find funny, but for us it is... see in every lesson or training meeting we have they teach us a Doctrine (an eternal truth revealed by God for our eternal progression, answers the question "why"). Every single meeting we have had the past 4 months the doctrine has been that God is Love. So now to answer every question that is what we say. And we have to resist laughing when investigators say that for them God is love.
There is also a super funny joke I heard about a Mormon, Catholic, and Jehovah´s Witness. I will tell it to you in 13 months. haha
Oh yeah weird story a girl in our ward that is 15 basically said she wants me to come back for her and was saying she wants to marry me... that scared the crap out of me. My companion was laughing until he realized it wasn't a joke. I kindly said that we had to go, and we left swiftly.
So this week appointments were dropping like the rains in Utah. We had put 6 baptismal dates this week, but 3 didn't go to church and there date fell. It was an investigator that´s family is inactive. She is 17 and has a kid. Her "husband" is inactive. She reads the Book of Mormon, prays, and says the Book of Mormon is true, but then didn't go to church and I am almost sure it is because nobody would go with her. The three other dates are the eternal investigators that have to get divorced. They committed to be divorced, by August. We were able to find some less actives by contacting people in the street. They were hesitant because they haven't seen any members or missionaries pass by there house in 5 years (when they got baptized) .We entered their house and gained their trust easily because they talk a bit of English. We cracked the ice and found that the mom has been wanting help with her son who is basically the devil. He just steals, beats, and does drugs. So we will help her with all that.
So reading in the Book of Mormon this week I have seen a lot about the church of God in the past. I would like to invite you to read Mosiah 18 and see what we promise to do when we get baptized and some promises that we receive.
Love you,
Elder Finlinson
His shoes...not sure they will make it another 13 months. He thinks they will.
The outfit he sleeps in to protect him from bug bites!