Called To Serve

Called To Serve
Mexico, Mexico City North

Monday, April 13, 2015

Letter #40

Elder Scott is from Loveland, Ohio. He will be going to BYU in 4 months. 
Haha those little kids make me laugh every time we pass. 
We receive the Ensign, but normally we get it late. I loved conference it was amazing. 
The work here is pretty good. We visited a lot of less actives and recent converts. It's hard because every time the inactives say "This time I really will come to church" then they don't, there is always a dumb excuse. The recent converts we worked a lot with Hermana Rosa Maria Velasquez and her son Tomas. We did service for them washing old things she bought to sell in the flea markets (strollers and other things) then they locked themselves out on accident. The first thing that came into my mind was "American Ninja Warrior". I jumped up and climbed on to their balcony. From there I had to do a stretch and horizontal leap to grab onto an open window on the second floor and then climb in. If I fell it would have been a solid drop on concrete. I did it and then opened the door for them.Technically it would be classified as something dumb what I did (the mission says not to do dumb stuff), but it was for a good cause. It was also a Huge adrenaline rush. 
Rosa had been telling us about a friend she wanted us to meet and teach. A few days before, I felt I needed to contact a person in the street last week. She said that she knew Hermana Rosa Maria. We talked with her about Christ and what he can do for her and her family. We went and talked to Hermana Rosa about the experience and she said that the person we contacted was her friend that she wanted us to meet. 
The familia Chavez Montoya are ok. They couldnt go to church Sunday for a baby shower. We visited them and the Dad said. "Its crazy but since you guys came there has been a difference in the house. My wife and I don't fight and there is more love in the home." We are hoping to help them more with this and that they accept to be baptized. 
Other things. I think I had bed bugs this week so I have bites on my legs and stuff, so that's super fun. It's also been really hot and dry. A few druggies contacted us this week... as they were drugging themselves. A lot of people have asked me to speak English to them and have asked for translations for a lot of things. 
Thats all
Love you
Elder Finlinson

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