Called To Serve

Called To Serve
Mexico, Mexico City North

Monday, December 8, 2014

Letter #22

Training is going pretty well. It's not too hard. He already speaks spanish, it's really the part that he is a seminary teacher and because of that he knows a lot. He just needs to know to be brief and clear instead of telling people the whole thing at once. Really it's just refinement. The investigators are difficult. We haven't had a lesson with José Luis in almost a month (even though he comes to church). Alejandra keeps saying "little by little I´ll be ready, but right now I´m not ready to be baptized." and she doesn't want to change her job either which is hard. Nobody went to church. The rest are really hard to find. We are working really hard to find new people right now. 
Zone Conference was cool. It was 2 zones with President Titensor. We get instruction for basically 6 hours on how to be better missionaries. We also eat food cooked by the President's wife, which is flipping good. The General Authority is Hno Tenorio. He is like 79.( The one they ate with last week.) I have only worn sweaters honestly. The thing is that it will be around 45 in the mornings (freezing) and then it gets up to around 80 in the day, so I never know what to wear. Elder Mendez is from Ecuador. I haven't been doing much on P-day. Really it's hard to do anything. Since we live in a rich area, we don't have money to do all the stuff. I am hoping that my package will arrive this week because I will be going to the offices tomorrow and I have an interview with President on Thursday. So this week I would have 2 chances to pick it up before Christmas, but If not, I don't know when I could do it. 

Wow Katie, nice hustle. That's the way to break a finger. Playing sports and keep playing through the pain!  

I dont know if you all have seen the "He is the Gift" or not, but I would think so. The mission has hit this system full on. We have to hand out 10 pass-along cards everyday to non-members. We will be doing this until Christmas, I think. The video is pretty cool and if you analyze the scripture John 3:16 you can get a lot out of it about the love of God for us. Right now we are trying to get the members excited to share the Gospel and this," He is the Gift" thing is really helping. It's a really easy way to share your testimony with friends, because you are talking about Christmas! Through this we have been contacting everyone, in the streets, others in houses of investigators that don't listen to us (they usually answer the door and then say that the person is there or not and then close the door), taxi drivers, pizza delivery guys, everyone. And if the socially awkward me can talk to random people about it, then you guys can certainly do it with your friends ;) 

Also this week I did splits with Elder Santiago  because Elder Toro went to the consolate. We went to his area and at the end I found out he was trained by Elder Jessop!! He said that Elder Jessop was his best companion in the mission and he still writes him every week. I also found out this week that I will have splits with Elder Mendez and Elder MacInnes tomorrow. I will be with Elder MacInnes ( two new white guys) so we will see how that goes. I´m not too worried though, I dont speak perfectly, but I speak well enough to get around and the people understand me. And fun fact about tomorrow, I complete 5 months of my mission!

Thats all for now. 

Love you
Elder Finlinson

 Just in time for Family Home Evening...Click on the picture and you will have an instant Family Home Evening lesson. Great way to focus on our Savior, especially during this season.
Funny fortune cookie Andrew received. Translated it says," Kiss the person sitting next to you." A bit awkward for a missionary! ;)

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